Kick-off Meeting

Local Workshop in Holte (Rudersdal Municipality)

Kick-off Meeting

Kick-off Meeting 1707 2560 Gemini

On the 3rd of November, GEMINI partner of Greater Copenhagen MLL organized a GEMINI kick-off meeting and local workshop in Holte (Rudersdal Municipality), open to politicians, stakeholders and the mobility living lab partners.

Four main points were the focus of the event:

  • Meet and greet of the local partners and stakeholders,
  • Showcase a pop-up mobility hub,
  • Align expectations among the partners,
  • Define the location and the characteristics of the mobility.

 The day started with a small public event, with participation of both the mayor of Rudersdal and the chairman of the regional council.

For me, it is important that there are several options for choosing the means of transport that suits the individual best. And it will be exciting to see if we can get more people to combine the new sharing solutions with our buses and trains. Whether one prefers public transport or chooses to take the car, there must be access to more efficient transport options. We look forward to offering citizens and businesses in Rudersdal greener transport,” says mayor of Rudersdal Municipality, Ann Sofie Orth.

We have long talked about the fact that shared vehicles can help get more people to choose public transport. And here the local traffic hubs and their connection to our S-buses and local trains can play an important role. I hope that they can make more people curious about whether they can do without their private car or take public transport when they go to work, education, shopping or to football practise,” says chairman for the Capital Region of Denmark, Lars Gaardhøj.

 The Greater Copenhagen MLL team aims to have the project up and running just after the 2024 summer holidays, in order to demonstrate to citizens the benefits of shared mobility in the suburbs and peri urban areas.

In the Greater Copenhagen living lab, at least six local traffic junctions will be established with up to 200 shared vehicles, which will be linked to the local offers in Rudersdal Municipality around 20 km from the city center of Copenhagen.

The Capital Region of Denmark and Rudersdal Municipality have teamed up with three private providers of shared mobility, KINTO Mobility, SHARE NOW Denmark and TIER to establish at least six mobility hubs in Rudersdal.

The idea is that people should be able to switch from, e.g., bus and train to various sharing vehicles such as electric bicycles, electric scooters and share cars – both free floating and station based.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Innovation Actions programme under Grant agreement No. 101103801.  The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the Agency nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein

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