GEMINI Plenary Session (M13)- Showcasing MLLs Business Model Scenarios and Evaluation Framework


GEMINI Plenary Session (M13)- Showcasing MLLs Business Model Scenarios and Evaluation Framework

GEMINI Plenary Session (M13)- Showcasing MLLs Business Model Scenarios and Evaluation Framework 2560 1920 Gemini

During the second day of GEMINI General Assembly in Porto, GEMINI hosted a session for sharing and disseminating project’s first-year results and work carried out. The goal of the online webinar, which included the participation of representatives from the SPINE, SUM and SolutionPlus project, was to showcase GEMINI various business model scenarios and evaluation frameworks related to Mobility Living Labs (MLLs). Additionally, this event served as a platform for discussing and exploring different approaches and mobility cases from the invited projects, providing participants with valuable insights and actionable examples to better understand the broader strategic potential and impact of new mobility services or concepts.


The webinar began with presentations from the WP1 Leaders (UPM, PLUS, INLE), focusing on the innovation drivers and business scenarios for new shared mobility services (NMS). A thorough literature review, followed by an online survey, helped to identify the key innovation drivers for NMS conducted by UPM. According to the survey results, the most critical factors influencing the success of NMS are clustered around the availability of physical and ICT infrastructure, as well as the quality of governance and institutions according to respondents’ views. Additionally, technological advancements, environmental concerns, and societal goals—such as data security, quality jobs, and gender equality—also play important but secondary roles. More about the survey can be found here.

WP1 also presented eight distinct mobility business models designed to address different challenges and mobility needs. The models discussed include Cross Border MaaS, Mobility as a Commons (MaaC), a Platform-driven model, Subscription-based Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) models, Data Monetisation and Shared CCAM, Mobility Hubs, Mobility as a Feature (MaaF), and mobility management strategies for large events. Each of these models proposes innovative solutions tailored to specific mobility needs, emphasizing the versatility and adaptability required in modern transportation planning. Finally, an operational framework and MLLs operation plan were outlined. Finally, a comprehensive framework and plans for MLLs scenario and mobility services was presented. The operational framework consisting of six key phases: service design, provision, management and monitoring, relationship management, governance, and decommissioning. Each phase was explained in detail, outlining the key activities and responsibilities to ensure a holistic approach to new mobility service management. Additionally, eight operational and rollout plans were created based on the scenarios of the MLLs, delineating the roles and responsibilities of each key actor as well as the information and data sharing routines within the shared mobility ecosystem.

WP1 Presentation 

WP2 started by presenting its work around privacy, resilience, safety and accessible technological development for mobility services. This effort involved analysing 27 case studies on mobility services and operations, which led to the creation of a categorization scheme for identifying threats (e.g. data misuse, cyberattacks etc.) to smart mobility services. This scheme can be used to conduct detailed analyses of specific implementations. Finally, the presentation summarized key aspects of the EU’s GDPR and related guidelines. Furthermore, WP2 presented guidelines and tools for considering user and community acceptance throughout the design and implementation of NMS will be presented. This included the presentation of the Common Impact Model for NMS along with its respective toolbox. The toolbox provides a structured approach to assessing and improving user acceptance and stakeholder involvement in new mobility services (NMS). It includes practical templates, questionnaires, and frameworks aimed at facilitating co-creation and ensuring that mobility solutions meet both technical standards and community need. The toolbox consists of six main tools:

  1. User Acceptance Evaluation Survey Template
  2. Content Exploration Questionnaire
  3. Stakeholder Mapping Template
  4. Co-Creation Workshop
  5. User Acceptance Evaluation Survey Template
  6. User Acceptance Deep Dive Discussion Guide

WP2 Presentation 

Sister project Presentations

The sister project presentations began with the SUM coordinator introducing the project timeline, objectives, and working plan to the GEMINI consortium partners. In addition, the presentation highlighted the project’s Living Labs along with the key pull and push measures to be implemented in the lead cities, as well as preliminary results concerning the SUM MLL specifications, needs, and evaluation framework. A dedicated segment focused on SUM-MLL Fredrikstad, focusing on strategies for integrating new mobility solutions with existing infrastructure and promoting sustainable travel habits. During the presentation, examples of completed work and key learning points from past mobility cases were shared and discussed.

SPINE followed by presenting their mission, cities, and objectives, focusing on co-creation methods involving a wide range of stakeholders to enhance the public transport (PT) offer and its attractiveness in line with users’ needs. Subsequently, the focus shifted to their operations around multimodal hubs, currently being implemented in the four lead cities: Antwerp, Bologna, Tallinn, and Las Palmas. SPINE’s dissemination leader shared the main lessons learned at this stage of the project from the implementation of multimodal hubs in the lead cities, emphasizing the importance of tailoring the measures to fit the specific context of each city, improving the quality and accessibility of relevant information, and ensuring that operators and stakeholders are involved from the early stages of implementation.

SolutionPlus presented the results of their report on business models for electric mobility solutions. Their approach involved conducting in-depth interviews and workshops with over ten innovators working on electric mobility projects in cities like Hanoi, Kigali, Quito, Madrid, Hamburg, and Montevideo. Using the business model canvas as a foundation, they developed a framework to evaluate the competitiveness of business models and their components. Additionally, they introduced a global tracker for e-mobility data, designed to provide policymakers and business owners with insights into vehicle markets, infrastructure, and policy performance. This tracker features a Power BI dashboard to monitor countries’ progress against policy targets, with Colombia serving as a key example.

Sister project information table

Project Short Description Website Link
SPINE SPINE focuses on optimizing the design of public transportation systems to be more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable. The SPINE Living Labs (LL) in 11 cities (4 leading and 7 twining cities)  will drive this transition by implementing sustainable urban mobility plans and co-creating and adopting innovative mobility solutions.
SUM SUM is driving mobility transformation in 15 European cities, integrating new shared mobility modes with public transport. The focus is on creating innovative, greener, safer, and interconnected mobility services that are affordable, reliable, and financially viable, enhancing both user experience and European companies’ competitiveness.
SolutionsPlus SOLUTIONSplus project proposes the development of an innovative and highly effective approach to urban e-mobility. The project will conduct city level displays to test diverse innovative e-mobility solutions and engage a wide range of highly committed actors such as cities, industries, research and implementing institutions and finance partners.

SUM Presentation

SPINE Presentation

In conclusion, the second day of the GEMINI General Assembly in Porto provided a valuable platform for sharing first-year project results and exploring innovative business models for new mobility services with partners from CIVITAS NMS cluster projects and beyond. Through presentations from WP1 and WP2, participants gained insights into mobility business scenarios, operational frameworks, and approaches to addressing privacy, resilience, and user acceptance challenges. The inclusion of sister projects like SUM, SPINE, and SolutionPlus further enriched the discussion, highlighting practical examples and collaborative efforts to enhance sustainable mobility solutions across cities.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Innovation Actions programme under Grant agreement No. 10110380.  The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the Agency nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein

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