6 months after the start of the GEMINI project, it is time to take the stock.



GEMINI’s journey began with a successful kick-off meeting in Potsdam that set the tone for our joint efforts. Over the past six months, the project has made significant progress in understanding the NMS market landscape and researching new business concepts and innovation drivers. In addition, work has begun on developing an impact assessment framework suitable for evaluating NMS. This work was enriched by the active participation in the CIVITAS Evaluation Managers’ sessions at the Urban Mobility Days and the GEMINI Co-Creation Workshop in Amsterdam, where WP1, WP2 and the GEMINI MLLs came together to exchange MLL concepts, business models and KPIs. In addition, the preparatory work in the GEMINI Mobility Living Labs is in full swing.

Activity Overview and first results:

  • Successful in-person kick-off meeting held in Potsdam in June 2023;
  • GEMINI Pitch Session at the Urban Mobility Days by ITA in October 2023.

WP1 Business and Operational Models:

  • Completed research on Market Analysis and Innovation Drivers, including a European-wide survey to reach at least 300 individuals (launched in September 2023). More info on the results at the following link: ;
  • Initiated research into New Business Models/Schemes.

WP2 Impact Assessment Framework for the Evaluation of NMS:

  • Started work to develop an impact assessment framework to evaluate NMS;
  • Engaged in the Urban Mobility Days Civitas Cluster Meetings, particularly the “CIVITAS Evaluation managers” sessions;
  • Orchestrated the GEMINI co-creation workshop in Amsterdam, where WP1, WP2, and MLLs convened. The workshop in early November centred around a co-creation session on KPIs tied to user intervention, MLL concepts, and business and operational models. More info at the following link: .

WP3 Mobility Living Labs Implementations and NMS Validation:

  • Collaboration with WP1 and WP2;
  • Initiated preparations for the main Mobility Living Labs (MLLs) in Munich, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, and Turin, with additional engagement in two twinning MLLs in Ljubljana and Porto;
  • Field visit to the Amsterdam MLL and introduction to MaaC as part of the Co-creation workshop in Amsterdam.

WP6 Dissemination and Cascading Uptake:

  • Crafted and implemented a dissemination plan with accompanying resources;
  • Established and published the GEMINI identity through the launch of the GEMINI website and GEMINI’s LinkedIn and GEMINI X accounts;
  • Participated in the Urban Mobility Days Civitas Cluster Meetings, notably in the “CIVITAS Dissemination managers” meeting.

In the first six months, the collaboration between all partners made it possible to identify the guidelines to be followed and to start setting up the work, which will be fundamental to implement the project in the best way possible.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Innovation Actions programme under Grant agreement No. 101103801.  The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the Agency nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein

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