November 9-10, 2023
GEMINI partners gathered in Amsterdam for two days of impact assessment workshop.
The workshop has been organised by WP2 and the City of Amsterdam where WP1, WP2 and the GEMINI MLLs came together to exchange MLL concepts, business models and KPIs.
During the two days, each MLLs presented the main objectives and preliminary value proposition, five months after the kick-off meeting in Potsdam.
During the first day, the partners of WP1 presented key insights from their work on success and failures of different mobility business models, technical and social innovation drivers, and/or key societal goals to tackle. They showed the first achievements and analysed the next steps, in order to reach their milestones.
Moreover, all MLLs presented their evaluation sheets and shared evaluation methodology in order to improve them.
In addition, all those present had the opportunity to make a field visit and be introduced to the concept of Mobility as a Commons in Spaandammerbuurt, a neighbourhood in the West district of Amsterdam.
On the second day, a co-creation session on KPIs linked to user intervention was held. Each MLLs highlighted which stakeholders and user groups they intend to address and how they intend to involve them. Furthermore, the workshop day has been characterized by the following main themes:
- Use of data for research in the Copenhagen MLL
- Data session for sufficient impact evaluation
which gave way to reflections and an open question session.
Both days were rich in insights and comparisons, useful for each MLLs to improve and take the GEMINI Project forward in the selected cities.